Data Analysis (Info)

Statistics (BioSTIC)

Statistics 2 (MathAppli)

Bayesian Statistics and Hierarchical Models (MathAppli)

Advanced Statistical Learning (MathAppli)

Statistical Learning (FastTrack)

Survival analysis

M2 Toulouse: Extreme Value Theory

Statistics (STAD)


schoolWinter-Summer schools

Occasionaly I lecture for winter/summer schools. Here are the materials for the last one.

scholarData Analysis (Info)

This course is divided into 5 chapters and aims at providing the basic element for any statistical analysis. Consequently we will talk about descriptive statistics, data visualization, inferential statistics, clustering, principal component analysis and linear models. As this lecture is given to informatic guys, most of the theoretical development will not be covered. Here is the lecture material

scholarStatistics (BioSTIC)

This lecture is divided into two parts. The first one is about statistical learning and will cover unsupervised classification using k-means, principal component analysis and logistic regression. The second part is about survival analysis and will talk about specificities of survival data, non parametric estimation of survival curves, comparison of survival curves and Cox's proportional hazard model. The lecture materials for this course are here (part 1, part 2). Labs sheet are listed below:

scholarStatistics 2 (MathAppli)

This course is divided in 3 independent parts:

Here are (some) solutions to the exercises done during our lectures.

scholarBayesian Statistics and Hierarchical Models (MathAppli)

This course is an 'advanced' lecture on Bayesian statistics with an emphasis on computational statistics for Bayesian studies. During the lecture we will:

You can get the lecture slides (annotated version) and empty document for questions. The pieces of code written during the lecture are given below:


To grade follow the instructions

scholarAdvanced statistical learning (MathAppli)

While Bertrand Michel taught various statistical learning techniques, I will focus on two main themes: reinforcement learning and model based clustering. The lecture materials are available below:

  1. Reinforcement learning: lecture notes and annotated version
  2. Model based clustering: lecture notes and annotated version

scholarStatistical Learning (FastTrack)

This course is a (kind of) mini course on statistical learning. During the lecture (syllabus might change depending on students levels), we will:

You can get the lecture slides (annotated version). The labs are listed below:

Some code written during lectures.

scholarSurvival analysis

This course is a (rather short) course on survival analysis. During the lecture (syllabus might change depending on students levels), we will:

You can get the lecture slides here (annotated version) and hand written notes.

scholarExtreme value theory (Toulouse)

This course is an introduction to the univariate extreme value theory with a view towards financial and environmental applications. You can download the slides (annotated ones). I list below some data sets used during the lecture and the lab sessions:

scholarStatistics (STAD)

This course is a (kind of) overall introduction on some statistical topics. The course is divided into two parts: survival analysis and classical statistical models. During the lecture (syllabus might change depending on students levels), we will:

You can get the lecture slides here: survival analysis and and general statistics (annotated slides).

Here are some datasets that we used during the lectures:

Here are some code:

Here are the instructions for grading the survival analysis part and that for the statistical learning part.

scholarData Analysis (Ecole Centrale Casablanca)

This course is divided into 2 independent chapters. The first one is about Geostatistics where you will learn basic concepts such as gaussian random fields, variogram fitting, kriging and (conditional) simulations. The second chapter is about machine learning where CART, random forest and boosting will be covered. All lecture materials (including Labs) are given below: